ISBN:書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:Forms of knowing : theories of cognition in the later middle ages (volumes I and II) / by Robert Charles Pasnau. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c1994. -- ix, 767 p. ; 21 cm.一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-C:272:117
請求番号:M-C:272:115Being and knowing : studies in Thomas Aquinas and later medieval philosophers / Armand Maurer. -- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c1990. -- x, 496 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Papers in mediaeval studies ; 10).
請求番号:M-C:272:115.2On the borders of being and knowing : some late scholastic thoughts on supertranscendental being / John P. Doyle ; edited by Victor M. Salas. -- Leuven University Press, c2012. -- xvi, 326 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Ancient and medieval philosophy / De Wulf-Mansion Centre ; ser. 1 ; 44).
請求番号:M-C:272:116.2Divine illumination : the history and future of Augustine's theory of knowledge / Lydia Schumacher. -- Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. -- xiii, 250 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Challenges in contemporary theology).
請求番号:M-C:272:116.IA doctrine of divine illumination / by Steven P. Marrone ; : set. -- Brill, 2001. -- x, 250 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of Christian thought ; v. 98 . The light of Thy countenance : science and knowledge of God in the thirteenth century ; v. 1).
請求番号:M-C:272:116.IIGod at the core of cognition / by Steven P. Marrone ; : set. -- Brill, 2001. -- vi p., p. [251]-611 ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of Christian thought ; v. 98 . The light of Thy countenance : science and knowledge of God in the thirteenth century ; v. 2).
請求番号:M-C:272:118L'infinité divine dans la théologie médiévale (1220-1255) / par Antoine Côté. -- J. Vrin, 2002. -- 269 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Études de philosophie médiévale ; 84).
請求番号:M-C:272:119Aristotle's Peri hermeneias in the Latin Middle Ages : essays on the commentary tradition / edited by H.A.G. Braakhuis & C.H. Kneepkens. -- Ingenium, 2003. -- xli, 509 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Artistarium ; Supplementa ; 10).
請求番号:M-C:272:120La tradizione dell'epieikeia nel Medioevo latino : un contributo alla storia dell'idea di equità / Francesco D'Agostino. -- A. Giuffrè, 1976. -- viii, 315 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di filosofia del diritto dell'Università di Roma . 3a serie ; 15).
請求番号:M-C:272:121Etica e politica : le teorie dei frati mendicanti nel due e trecento : atti del XXVI Convegno internazionale, Assisi, 15-17 ottobre 1998. -- Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 1999. -- x, 318 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Atti dei convegni della Società internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani ; nuova ser. ; 9).
請求番号:M-C:272:121.4La religion de l'État : la construction de la République étatique dans le discours théologique de l'Occident médiéval (1250-1350) / Alain Boureau. -- Les Belles lettres, 2006. -- 351 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Histoire ; 80).