

Robert Grosseteste, pseudo-Dionysius, and hierarchy : a medieval trinity : including an edition of Grosseteste's translation of, and commentary on, De ecclesiastica hierarchia / by Candice Taylor Hogan ; v. 1, v. 2. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c1991. -- 2 v. (x, 940 p.) ; 23 cm.




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

Robert Grosseteste at the Papal Curia, Lyons 1250 : edition of the documents / Servus Gieben. -- Istituto storico cappuccino, [1971?]. -- p. 341-393 ; 25 cm.

Robert Grosseteste and the reunion of the Church / James McEvoy. -- Istituto storico cappuccini, [1975?]. -- p. 40-84 ; 24 cm. -- (Collectanea Franciscana ; 45, fasc. 1-2, 1975).

Robert Grosseteste on preaching with the edition of the sermon "Ex rerum initiatarum" on redemption / Servus Gieben. -- Istituto storico dei fr. min. cappuccini, 1967. -- p. 101-141 ; 25 cm.

Robert Grosseteste and the immaculate conception with the text of the sermon Tota pulchra es / Servus of Sint Anthonis. -- Istituto storico dei frati minori cappuccini, 1958. -- p. 212-227 ; 25 cm.

Moti, virtù e motori celesti nella cosmologia di Roberto Grossatesta : studio ed edizione dei trattati De sphera, De cometis, De motu supercelestium / Cecilia Panti. -- SISMEL, edizioni del Galluzzo, 2001. -- x, 436 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Corpus philosophorum medii aevi / Unione accademica nazionale . Testi e studi ; 16).

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-C:273:88.I

Robert Grosseteste, pseudo-Dionysius, and hierarchy : a medieval trinity : including an edition of Grosseteste's translation of, and commentary on, De ecclesiastica hierarchia / by Candice Taylor Hogan ; v. 1, v. 2. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c1991. -- 2 v. (x, 940 p.) ; 23 cm.

Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln : a contribution to the religious, political and intellectual history of the thirteenth century / by Francis Seymour Stevenson. -- Wm. C. Brown Reprint Library, [19--]. -- xvi, 348 p. ; 24 cm.

Robert Grosseteste, scholar and bishop : essays in commemoration of the seventh centenary of his death / edited by D.A. Callus ; with an introduction by Maurice Powicke. -- Oxford University Press, 1969. -- xxv, 263 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Robert Grosseteste et la théologie à l'Université d'Oxford : 1190-1250 / James McEvoy ; traduif de l'anglais par Éliane Saint-André Utudjian ; : br. -- les Éd. du Cerf, 1999. -- 230 p. ; 20 cm. -- (Initiations au Moyen âge).

Gli inizi di Oxford : Grossatesta e i primi teologi (1150-1250) / James McEvoy. -- 1a edizione italiana. -- Jaca Book, 1996. -- 197 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Eredità medievale ; '96/5).