

Saint Bonaventure's Disputed questions on the mystery of the Trinity / introd. and translation by Zachary Hayes. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1979. -- 273 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by George Marcil ; 3).




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

La difesa dei poveri, contro il calunniatore / traduzione, note e indici di Silvana Martignoni ; introduzione di Attilio Stendardi. -- Città nuova, 2005. -- 450 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Sancti Bonaventurae opera ; 14 . Opuscoli francescani ; 2).

Introduzione generale / Jacques Guy Bougerol. -- Città nuova, c1990. -- 106 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Opere di San Bonaventura).

Saint Bonaventure's De reductione artium ad theologiam / a commentary with an introd. and translation by Emma Thérèse Healy. -- 2nd ed.. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1955, c1940. -- 158 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by Philotheus Boehner and M. Frances Laughlin ; 1).

St. Bonaventure's On the reduction of the arts to theology / translation with introduction and commentary prepared by Zachary Hayes. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1996. -- viii, 61 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Works of St. Bonaventure ; v. 1).

Saint Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in deum / with an introd., translation and commentary by Philotheus Boehner. -- Franciscan Institute, Saint Bonaventure University, 1956. -- 132 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by Philotheus Boehner and M. Frances Laughlin ; 2).

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-C:274:27.3

Saint Bonaventure's Disputed questions on the knowledge of Christ / introduction and translation by Zachary Hayes. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1992. -- 202 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by George Marcil ; v. 4).

St. Bonaventure's writings concerning the Franciscan Order / introduction and translation by Dominic Monti. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1994. -- ix, 281 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by George Marcil ; v. 5).

St. Bonaventure's Collations on the Ten Commandments / introd. and translation by Paul J. Spaeth. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 1995. -- 101 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Works of Saint Bonaventure / edited by George Marcil ; v. 6).

Commentary on Ecclesiastes / [Bonaventure] ; translation and notes by Campion Murray and Robert J. Karris ; introduction by Robert J. Karris. -- Franciscan Institute Publications, Saint Bonaventure University, 2005. -- 461 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Works of St. Bonaventure ; v. 7).

St. Bonaventure's commentary on The Gospel of Luke / with an introduction, translation and notes by Robert J. Karris ; pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3. -- Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University, 2001-. -- v. ; 23 cm. -- (Works of St. Bonaventure ; v. 8).