ISBN:2914958528書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:Sermons / Saint Thomas d'Aquin ; traduits sous la direction du Professeur Jacques Ménard. -- Éditions du Sandre, [2006]. -- 284 p. ; 22 cm.一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-C:278:21.4
請求番号:M-C:278:20.10霊的生活 / 竹島幸一編著 ; 3 - 11. -- 聖トマス学院, [1975]-. -- 冊 ; 22cm.
請求番号:M-C:278:20.11聖トマス・アクィナス説教「青少年の成長の模範なるキリスト」 / [トマス・アクィナス説教] ; 竹島幸一訳. -- [聖カタリナ女子大学], 1989.3. -- p241-257 ; 26cm. -- (聖カタリナ女子大学研究紀要 ; 創刊号抜刷).
請求番号:M-C:278:20.18The three greatest prayers : commentaries on the Lord's prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Apostles' Creed / St. Thomas Aquinas ; foreword by Ralph McInerny. -- Sophia Institute Press, c1990. -- xvii, 190 p. ; 24 cm.
請求番号:M-C:278:21Des heiligen Thomas von Aquin, des englischen Lehrers, Predigten aus das ganze Kirchenjahr / aus dem lateinischen übersetzt von einem katholischen Geistlichen. -- G. J. Manz, 1845. -- 524 p. ; 21 cm.
請求番号:M-C:278:21.2I sermoni (Sermones) e Le due lezioni inaugurali (Principia) / Tommaso d'Aquino ; a cura di Carmelo Pandolfi e Giorgio Maria Carbone. -- Edizioni studio domenicano, c2003. -- 366 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Collana "Opere di San Tommaso" ; 12).
請求番号:M-C:278:21.5The academic sermons / Thomas Aquinas ; translated by Mark-Robin Hoogland ; : cloth. -- Catholic University of America Press, c2010. -- xiii, 358 p. ; 22 cm. -- (The Fathers of the church : mediaeval continuation ; v. 11).
請求番号:M-C:278:21.5aThe academic sermons / Thomas Aquinas ; translated by Mark-Robin Hoogland ; : cloth. -- Catholic University of America Press, c2010. -- xiii, 358 p. ; 22 cm. -- (The Fathers of the church : mediaeval continuation ; v. 11).
請求番号:M-C:278:22Meditations and readings for lent / St Thomas Aquinas ; [translated by Philip Hughes]. -- Sheed & Ward, 1974, c1937. -- 141 p. ; 20 cm. -- (Spiritual masters).
請求番号:M-C:278:22.9Thomas Aquinas, the gifts of the spirit : selected spiritual writings (chiefly from his biblical commentaries) / introduced and edited by Benedict M. Ashley ; selections translated by Matthew Rzeczkowski. -- New City Press, c1995. -- 144 p. ; 22 cm.
請求番号:M-C:278:26.1Quaestiones disputatae / S. Thomae Aquinatis ; cura et studio, P. Bazzi ... [et al.] ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Editio 9 revisa. -- Marietti, c1953-. -- v. ; 26 cm.