

From nature to second nature : the relationship of natural law, acquired virtue, and moral precepts in Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae / by Daniel J. Daly. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c2008. -- iii, 219 p. ; 22 cm.




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

Das Naturgesetz bei Thomas von Aquin und die tentatio stoicorum : heutige Auffassungen eines umstrittenen Begriffs / Luis Tomás Scherz. -- Francke, c2006. -- xi, 265 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Tübinger Studien zur Theologie und Philosophie ; Bd. 24).

God and the natural law : a rereading of Thomas Aquinas / Fulvio Di Blasi ; translated by David Thunder ; foreword to the American edition by Ralph McInerny ; foreword to the Italian edition by Mario A. Cattaneo. -- St. Augustine's Press, 2006. -- xxi, 264 p. ; 24 cm.

Nature as reason : a Thomistic theory of the natural law / Jean Porter. -- W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2005. -- xii, 420 p. ; 24 cm.

Thomas Aquinas and knowledge of the first principles of the natural law / David J. Klassen. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c2007. -- x, 490 p. ; 22 cm.

The role of natural law and virtue in the moral philosophy of Thomas Aquinas / by John Joseph Liptay. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c2006. -- 351 p. ; 22 cm.

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-C:279:84.24.11

トマス・アクィナスの自然法研究 : その構造と憲法への展開 / 高坂直之著. -- 創文社, 1971.12. -- ix, 433, 7p ; 22cm.

Praktische Vernunft bei Thomas von Aquin / Christian Schröer. -- W. Kohlhammer, 1995. -- 237 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Münchener philosophische Studien ; n.F., Bd. 10).

Virtutis non est virtus : ein scholastischer Lehrsatz zur naturgemässen Bestimmung vernünftigen Handelns in seiner Vorgeschichte / Volker Hildebrandt. -- P. Lang, c1989. -- 232 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Europäische Hochschulschriften = Publications universitaires européennes = European university studies ; Reihe 20 . Philosophie ; Bd. 277).

Moral choice in the pursuit of knowledge : Thomas Aquinas on the ethics of knowing / Reichberg, Gregory Martin. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c1991. -- iv, 336 p. ; 23 cm.

Mencius and Aquinas : theories of virtue and conceptions of courage / Lee H. Yearley ; : alk. paper, : pbk. : alk. paper. -- State University of New York Press, c1990. -- xiv, 280 p. ; 23 cm. -- (SUNY series, Toward a comparative philosophy of religions).