Summa logicae : part I, prologue, prefatory letter, Chs. 1-6, 8-13, 26, 30-33, 70, 72, with sumaries of Chs. 7, and 27-29 : translated from: William of Ockham, Summa Logicae, Gedeon Gál and Stephen F. Brown, eds., ('Opera philosophica,' vol. 1: St. Bonaventure, NY: the Franciscan Institute, 1974) : translation with notes - 94 pp. / William of Ockham ; [translated] by Paul Vincent Spade ; Summa logicae, part I, Chs. 14-17 (on the problem of Universals) : translated from: William of Ockham, Summa logicae, Philotheus Boetner, Gedeon Gal, and Stephen Brown, eds., "Opera philosophica," vol. 1 (St. Bonaventure, NY: the Franciscan Institute, 1974), pp. 47-62 : translation with notes and bibliography - 23 pp. / William of Ockham ; [translated] by Paul Vincent Spade. -- s.n.], 1990. -- 1 v. (various pagings) ; 29 cm.
宗教改革の先駆者たち / 出村彰, 池谷文夫, 中村賢二郎訳. -- 教文館, 2001.7. -- 289p ; 22cm. -- (宗教改革著作集 ; 1).
スコトゥス「個体化の理論」への批判 : 『センテンチア註解』L.1,D.2,Q.6より / G.オッカム著 ; 渋谷克美訳註. -- 知泉書館, 2004.5. -- ix, 194p ; 23cm.