

手紙 / シエナの聖カタリナ著 ; 岳野慶作訳. -- 中央出版社, 1989.4. -- 436p ; 19cm.




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

The dialogue / Catherine of Siena ; translation and introd. by Suzanne Noffke ; pref. by Giuliana Cavallini ; : pbk. -- Paulist Press, c1980. -- xvi, 398 p. ; 23 cm. -- (The classics of Western spirituality).

Epistolario di Santa Caterina da Siena / a cura di Eugenio Dupré Theseider ; v. 1. -- [Tipografia del Senato], 1940-. -- v. ; 25 cm. -- (Fonti per la storia d'Italia / pubblicate dal R. Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo).

Le lettere di Santa Caterina da Siena : versione in italiano corrente / a cura di Giuseppe Di Ciaccia ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Edizioni studio domenicano, c1996-. -- v. ; 22 cm. -- (Collana attendite ad petram ; 14-16).

Le lettere di Santa Caterina da Siena : versione in italiano corrente / a cura di Giuseppe Di Ciaccia ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Edizioni studio domenicano, c1996-. -- v. ; 22 cm. -- (Collana attendite ad petram ; 14-16).

Le lettere di Santa Caterina da Siena : versione in italiano corrente / a cura di Giuseppe Di Ciaccia ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Edizioni studio domenicano, c1996-. -- v. ; 22 cm. -- (Collana attendite ad petram ; 14-16).

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-C:290:3.3

The letters of Catherine of Siena / translated with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000-. -- v. ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies ; v. 202-203, 329, 355).

The letters of Catherine of Siena / translated with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000-. -- v. ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies ; v. 202-203, 329, 355).

The letters of Catherine of Siena / translated with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000-. -- v. ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies ; v. 202-203, 329, 355).

The letters of Catherine of Siena / translated with introduction and notes by Suzanne Noffke ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000-. -- v. ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies ; v. 202-203, 329, 355).

Lettres aux papes Grégoire XI et Urbain VI aux cardinaux et aux évêques / Catherine de Sienne ; traduction par Marilène Raiola ; introduction par Éric T. de Clermont-Tonnerre ; étude générale et présentation des différents recueils par Umberto Meattini. -- Les Éditions du Cerf, 2008. -- 240 p. ; 20 cm. -- (Sagesses chrétiennes . Les lettres / Catherine de Sienne ; 1).