Most useful questions on the consequences of Strode (Questiones in Consequentias Strodi Perutiles Impresse Venetiis, per Christophorum Cremonensem et Bernardium Venetum, 1494) : Quaestio 14: Utrum 13a et 14a regulae generales consequentiarum verae sint?*, whether the 13th and 14th rules of consequences are sound? ; Questions on consequences of Ralph Strode (Questiones in consequentiis Radulphi Strodi Venetiis, 10 Jan. 1494/95:fols. 25v-27r) : question fifteenth: whether the 15th and 16th rules are correct ; Questiones de Sensu Composito et Diviso Pauli Pergulensis Venetiis, per Christopharum Cremonensem et Bernardinum Venetum, 1494 from Questions on the treatise on composite and divided sense of Paul of Pergula : the seventh mode, by Autonius Franchantianus (fl. 2nd half of the 15th century) / Antonius Frachantianus ; translated by Ivan Boh. -- s.n., 19--]. -- 21, 15, 22 leaves ; 28 cm.
Super decem libros ethicorum / Johannes Buridanus. -- Minerva, 1968. -- [214] leaves ; 31 cm.
Compendium totius logicae / Johannes Buridanus. -- Minerva, 1965. -- ca. 600 columns ; 29 cm.