ISBN:書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:La pensée philosophique et théologique de Gersonide. -- Les Éditions de Minuit, c1973. -- 572 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Aleph).一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-B:198:102
請求番号:M-B:198:101.5.IIIThe wars of the Lord / Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) ; translated with an introd. and notes by Seymour Feldman ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- 1st ed. -- Jewish Publication Society of America, 1984-. -- v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
請求番号:M-B:198:101.6Les Guerres du Seigneur : livres 3 et 4 / Lévi ben Gershom (Gersonide) ; introd., traduction et notes par Charles Touati. -- Mouton, 1968. -- 208 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Etudes juives ; 14).
請求番号:M-B:198:101.9Commentary on Song of songs / Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) ; translated from the Hebrew with an introd. and annotations by Menachem Kellner ; : alk. paper. -- Yale University Press, c1998. -- xxx, 161 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Yale Judaica series ; 28).
請求番号:M-B:198:101.10The way of lovers : the Oxford anonymous commentary on the Song of Songs (Bodleian Library, ms opp. 625) / an edition of the Hebrew text, with English translation and introduction by Sara Japhet, Barry Dov Walfish ; : hbk. -- Brill, c2017. -- xiii, 274 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (Commentaria : sacred texts and their commentaries : Jewish, Christian and Islamic ; v. 8).
請求番号:M-B:198:101.12Supercommentary on Averroes on Aristotle's De interpretaione, chapter 9 / Gersonides (Levi Ben Gerhon) : a translation of text in the 1562 edition, Aristotelis omnia quae extant opera...Averois cordubensis in ea opera omnes qui ad haec usque tempora pervenere commentarii...cum Levi Gersonidis in libros apud iunctas, MDLXII (v. I, ff. 82vbK-83rbF), translation-3 pp. (preliminary draft) by Norman Kretzmann. -- s.n., 19--]. -- [4] leaves ; 29 cm.
請求番号:M-B:198:103A study of Gersonides in his proper perspective / by Nima H. Adlerblum. -- AMS Press, 1967. -- ix, 140 p. ; 23 cm.
請求番号:M-B:198:105Die Intellektlehre des Levi ben Gerson in ihrer Beziehung zur christlichen Scholastik / Susanne Möbuss. -- Lang, 1991. -- 228 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Reihe 20, Philosophie ; Bd. 353).
請求番号:M-B:198:106Studies on Gersonides : a fourteenth-century Jewish philosopher-scientist / edited by Gad Freudenthal. -- E.J. Brill, 1992. -- xxi, 422 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (Collection de travaux de l'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences ; t. 36).
請求番号:M-B:198:107The logic of Gersonides : a translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-yashar (The Book of the correct syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershom / with introduction, commentary, and analytical glossary by Charles H. Manekin. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1992. -- xii, 341 p. ; 25 cm. -- (The new synthese historical library ; v. 40).
請求番号:M-B:198:107.1Without any doubt : Gersonides on method and knowledge / by Sara Klein-Braslavy ; translated and edited by Lenn J. Schramm ; : hardback. -- Brill, 2011. -- 352 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Supplements to The journal of Jewish thought and philosophy ; v. 13).