Translations and reprints from the original sources of Europian history ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- v. ; 23 cm.
Translations and reprints from the original sources of Europian history ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- v. ; 23 cm.
Translations and reprints from the original sources of Europian history ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- v. ; 23 cm.
Translations and reprints from the original sources of Europian history ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- v. ; 23 cm.
Translations and reprints from the original sources of Europian history ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- v. ; 23 cm.
Typologie des sources du Moyen Âge occidental ; : set - Table des fasc. 1-50. -- Brepols, 1972-. -- v. ; 24 cm.