ISBN:書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:Der soziale Gedanke in der altchristlichen Kirche / Johannes Loipoldt. -- Koehler & Amelang, 1952. -- 259 p. ; 19 cm.一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-H:610:320
請求番号:M-H:610:70キリスト教とローマ皇帝 / 新田一郎著. -- 教育社, 1980.7. -- 234p : 図版1枚 ; 18cm. -- (教育社歴史新書 . 西洋史 ; A11).
請求番号:M-H:610:120.3Jews and Christians : Graeco-Roman views / Molly Whittaker ; pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press, 1984. -- xii, 286 p. : maps ; 23 cm. -- (Cambridge commentaries on writings of the Jewish and Christian world, 200 BC to AD 200 ; v. 6).
請求番号:M-H:610:166Christians shaping identity from the Roman Empire to Byzantium : studies inspired by Pauline Allen / edited by Geoffrey D. Dunn, Wendy Mayer ; : hardback. -- Brill, c2015. -- xv, 520 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae ; v. 132).
請求番号:M-H:610:169Dynamics of identity in the world of the early Christians : associations, Judeans, and cultural minorities / Philip A. Harland. -- T & T Clark, 2009. -- xii, 239 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
請求番号:M-H:610:170Identitätsverlust und Identitätsgewinn : Studien zum Verhältnis von kaiserzeitlicher Stadt und frühem Christentum / Eckhard Plümacher. -- Neukirchener Verlag, c1987. -- 125 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Biblisch-theologische Studien ; 11).
請求番号:M-H:610:445Manual of Christian archeology / by Orazio Marucchi ; fourth Italian edition revised by Giulio Belvederi ; translated and adapted by Hubert Vecchierello. -- St. Anthony Guild Press, Franciscan Monastery, 1935. -- xiv, 448 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
請求番号:M-H:610:451Handbuch der altchristlichen Epigraphik / von Carl Maria Kaufmann. -- Herder, 1917. -- xv, 514 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
請求番号:M-H:610:455Manuel d'épigraphie chrétienne / René Aigrain ; 1re ptie, 2e ptie. -- Bloud, 1912-1913. -- 2 v. ; 19 cm. -- (Choix de textes pour servir à l'étude science ecclésiastiques).
請求番号:M-H:610:624A companion to religion in late antiquity / edited by Josef Lössl and Nicholas J. Baker-Brian ; : hb. -- Wiley Blackwell, 2018. -- lii, 655 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm. -- (Blackwell companions to the ancient world).
請求番号:M-H:610:625Religious diversity in late antiquity / edited by David M. Gwynn and Susanne Bangert ; conceived and co-ordinated by Luke Lavan ; with the assistance of Carlos Machado and Michael Mulryan. -- Brill, 2010. -- xiv, 561 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. -- (Late antique archaeology / managing editor, Luke Lavan ; editors, Averil Cameron ... [et al.] ; v. 6).