

L'"Aequitas canonica" : studio e analisi del concetto negli scritti di Enrico da Susa (cardinal ostiense) / Giuliano Brugnotto. -- Editrice pontificia Università gregoriana, 1999. -- 278 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Tesi gregoriana ; Serie Diritto canonico ; 40).




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

The political theory of the Roman lawyers and the canonists, from the tenth century to the thirteenth century / by A.J. Carlyle. -- William Blackwood, 1909. -- xix, 274 p. ; 23 cm. -- (A history of mediæval political theory in the West / by R.W. Carlyle and A.J. Carlyle ; v. 2).

The medieval origins of the state : the contribution of the canonists from Gratian to Hostiensis / by James Michael Muldoon. -- University Microfilms International, [1965?]. -- iv, 239 p. ; 23 cm.

La persona giuridica collegiale in diritto romano e canonico ; Aequitas romana ed aequitas canonica : atti del III Colloquio (Roma 24-26 aprile 1980) e del IV Colloquio (Roma 13-14 maggio 1981), diritto romano--diritto canonico / a cura di T. Bertone, O. Bucci. -- Libreria editrice vaticana. -- 351 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Utrumque ius ; 11).

Rights in thirteenth-century canon law : an historical investigation / by Charles Reid. -- University Microfilms International, c1995. -- xii, 490 p. ; 22 cm.

The Summa De multiplici iuris divisione : an introduction and critical text / by Warren Becket Soule. -- University Microfilms International, c1997. -- lviii, 272 p. ; 22 cm.

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-H:624:752

Canonical relations between the bishops and abbots at the beginning of the tenth century / by Charles W. Henry. -- Catholic University of America Press, 1957. -- viii, 220 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Canon law studies ; no. 382).

Il "Quaternus rogacionum" del notaio Bongiovanni di Bonandrea (1308-1320) / a cura di Daniela Rando e Monica Motter. -- Il Mulino, c1997. -- 406 p. : facsims ; 22 cm. -- (Storia del Trentino ; Ser. 2 . Fonti e testi ; 1).

The Collectio canonum Casinensis duodecimi seculi (Codex terscriptus) : a derivative of the South-Italian Collection in five books : an implicit edition with introductory study / by Roger E. Reynolds. -- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c2001. -- ix, 129 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Monumenta liturgica Beneventana ; 3)(Studies and texts ; 137).

Die Concordia canonum des Cresconius : Studien und Edition / Klaus Zechiel-Eckes ; : set, T. 1, T. 2. -- P. Lang, c1992. -- 2 v. (xxxi, 854 p.) ; 22 cm. -- (Freiburger Beiträge zur Mittelalterlichen Geschichte ; Bd. 5).

Die Concordia canonum des Cresconius : Studien und Edition / Klaus Zechiel-Eckes ; : set, T. 1, T. 2. -- P. Lang, c1992. -- 2 v. (xxxi, 854 p.) ; 22 cm. -- (Freiburger Beiträge zur Mittelalterlichen Geschichte ; Bd. 5).