ISBN:書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:A History of the Church of Durham / translated from the original Latin by Joseph Stevenson. -- Llanerch, 1993. -- p. 622-791 ; 21 cm.一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-H:644:262
請求番号:M-H:644:233The foundations of Christian England : Augustine of Canterbury & his impact / Anthony Marett-Crosby. -- Ampleforth Abbey Press, c1997. -- 51 p. ; 22 cm.
請求番号:M-H:644:243The English clergy and their organization in the later middle ages / by A. Hamilton Thompson. -- Clarendon Press, 1947. -- xv, 327 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Ford lectures ; 1933).
請求番号:M-H:644:245Bishop and chapter in twelfth-century England : a study of the mensa episcopalis / Everett U. Crosby. -- Cambridge University Press, 1994. -- xiv, 450 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought ; 4th ser., 23).
請求番号:M-H:644:248Religious belief and ecclesiastical careers in late medieval England : proceedings of the conference held at Strawberry Hill, Easter 1989 / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill. -- Boydell Press, 1991. -- xvii, 238 p. : 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of medieval religion ; v. 3).
請求番号:M-H:644:249Indulgences in late medieval England : passports to paradise? / R.N. Swanson. -- Cambridge University Press, 2007. -- xiv, 579 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
請求番号:M-H:644:262.3修道院の物資調達と市場 : ダラム司教座聖堂付属修道院の場合 / 森本矗著. -- 晃洋書房, 1983.3. -- 460p ; 22cm. -- (名古屋学院大学産業科学研究所研究叢書 ; 2).
請求番号:M-H:644:262.4中世末期の教会領研究 : ダラム司教座聖堂付属修道院領について / 森本矗著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1977.10. -- 461p ; 22cm. -- (名古屋学院大学産業科学研究所研究叢書 ; 1).
請求番号:M-H:644:263Libellus de exordio atque procursu istius, hoc est Dunhelmensis, ecclesie = Tract on the origins and progress of this the Church of Durham / Symeon of Durham ; edited and translated by David Rollason. -- Clarendon Press, 2000. -- xcv, 353 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts).
請求番号:M-H:644:269Twelfth-century English archidiaconal and vice-archidiaconal acta / edited by B.R. Kemp. -- Boydell Press, 2001. -- lv, 263 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Canterbury and York Society ; v. 92).
請求番号:M-H:644:280Hugh the chantor : the history of the church of York, 1066-1127 / translated from the Latin and with introduction by Charles Johnson. -- T. Nelson, 1961. -- xvii, 138 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Medieval texts).