ISBN:2906805009書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:Lectures anciennes de la Bible. -- Centre d'analyse et de documentation patristiques, 1987. -- 330 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Cahiers de biblia patristica ; 1).一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-C:218:309
請求番号:M-C:218:307.16The interpretation of the New Testament in Greco-Roman paganism / John Granger Cook. -- Mohr Siebeck, c2000. -- viii, 385 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Herausgeber, Christoph Markschies = Studies and texts in antiquity and Christianity / editor, Christoph Markschies ; 3).
請求番号:M-C:218:308Esegesi biblica e Patristica fra tardo antico ed altomedioevo / Antonio Quacquarelli. -- Edipuglia, c1991. -- 174 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Quaderni di "Vetera Christianorum" ; 23).
請求番号:M-C:218:308.5Tradition and exegesis in early Christian writers / C.P. Bammel. -- Variorum, 1995. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Collected studies series ; CS500).
請求番号:M-C:218:308.6Exegesis and theology in early Christianity / Frances Young. -- Ashgate Variorum, c2012. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Variorum collected studies series ; CS1013).
請求番号:M-C:218:308.7La libertà dalla legge di Mosè : negli scritti dei Padri dalla fine del II secolo / Salvatore A. Panimolle. -- Borla, c1989. -- 224 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Studi e ricerche bibliche).
請求番号:M-C:218:309.3Osservazioni a proemi del Salterio di Origene, Ippolito, Eusebio, Cirillo Alessandrino e altri, con frammenti inediti / Giovanni Mercati. -- Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1948. -- 167 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Studi e testi ; 142).
請求番号:M-C:218:310Biblical interpretation in the early church / translated and edited by Karlfried Froehlich ; : pbk. -- Fortress Press, c1984. -- viii, 135 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Sources of early Christian thought).
請求番号:M-C:218:310.2Biblical interpretation from the church fathers to the Reformation / Karlfried Froehlich. -- Ashgate, c2010. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : port. ; 23 cm. -- (Variorum collected studies series ; CS951).
請求番号:M-C:218:311Études historiquese / Jean Pépin. -- Études augustiniennes, 1987. -- 382 p. ; 26 cm. -- (La tradition de l'allégorie de Philon d'Alexandrie à Dante / Jean Pépin ; 2).
請求番号:M-C:218:311.21Conceptual blending in early Christian discourse : a cognitive linguistic analysis of pastoral metaphors in patristic literature / Aleksander Gomola. -- De Gruyter, c2018. -- ix, 231 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.