The revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden / translated by Denis Searby ; with introductions and notes by Bridget Morris ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- Oxford University Press, 2006-. -- v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Revelations : Saint Birgitta of Sweden / Anthony Butkovich. -- Ecumenical Foundation of America, [1973], c1972. -- xvi, 110 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm.
Revelaciones / Sancta Birgitta ; edited by Carl-Gustaf Undhagen and Birger Bergh ; bk. 2, bk. 8. -- Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2001-. -- v. ; 28 cm.
Revelaciones book : with Magister Mathias' prologue / edited by Carl-Gustaf Undhagen ; bk. 1 - bk. 5. -- Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1971-. -- v. ; 28 cm.
Revelaciones book : with Magister Mathias' prologue / edited by Carl-Gustaf Undhagen ; bk. 1 - bk. 5. -- Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1971-. -- v. ; 28 cm.