

Artisten und Philosophen : Wissenschafts- und Wirkungsgeschichte einer Fakultät vom 13. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von Rainer Christoph Schwinges ; Redaktion, Barbara Studer. -- Schwabe, c1999. -- xi, 501 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte ; Bd. 1).




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

Studium generale : studies offered to Astrik L. Gabriel by his former students at the Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame, on the occasion of his election as an honorary doctor of the Ambrosiana in Milan / edited by L.S. Domonkos, R.J. Schneider. -- Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 1967. -- xxxi, 253 p. : ill., port. ; 26 cm. -- (Texts and studies in the history of mediaeval education ; no. 11).

The University of Paris and its Hungarian students and masters during the reign of Louis XII and François Ier / Astrik L. Gabriel. -- United States Subcommission for the History of Universities, University of Notre Dame. -- 238 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Texts and studies in the history of mediaeval education ; no. 17).

The Paris Studium : Robert of Sorbonne and his legacy : interuniversity exchange between the German, Cracow and Louvain Universities and that of Paris in the late medieval and humanistic period, selected studies / Astrik L. Gabriel ; preface by James J. John. -- United States Subcommission for the History of Universities, University of Notre Dame. -- 541 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Texts and studies in the history of mediaeval education ; no. 19).

Etudier et vivre à Paris au moyen âge : le Collège de Laon : XIVe-XVe siècles / Cécile Fabris. -- École des Chartes, 2005. -- iii, 504 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Mémoires et documents de l'École des chartes ; 81).

Scholarly community at the early University of Paris : theologians, education and society, 1215-1248 / Spencer E. Young ; : hardback. -- Cambridge University Press, 2014. -- ix, 260 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought / edited by G.G. Coulton ; 4th ser. ; 94).

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-J:653:18.9

The medieval university : masters, students, learning / Helene Wieruszowski. -- Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1966. -- 207 p. ; 18 cm. -- (An Anvil original ; 90 . Medieval history).

Università e società nei secoli XII-XVI : nono Convegno internazionale : Pistoia, 20-25 settembre 1979 / Centro italiano di studi di storia e d'arte, Pistoia. -- Presso la sede del Centro, 1982. -- 661 p., [48] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.

Filosofi e teologi : la ricerca e l'insegnamento nell'università medievale / a cura di L. Bianchi, E. Randi. -- P. Lubrina, 1989. -- 279 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Quodlibet ; 4).

Aux origines de la Sorbonne / [edition critique avec introduction, index et plan dépliant hors-texte par] P. Glorieux ; 1, 2. -- J. Vrin, 1965-1966. -- 2 v. ; 26 cm. -- (Études de philosophie médiévale ; 53, 54).

Aux origines de la Sorbonne / [edition critique avec introduction, index et plan dépliant hors-texte par] P. Glorieux ; 1, 2. -- J. Vrin, 1965-1966. -- 2 v. ; 26 cm. -- (Études de philosophie médiévale ; 53, 54).