ISBN:書名・著者名・出版社・出版年:Essai sur Théodore de Mopsueste / Robert Devreesse. -- Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1948. -- vii, 439 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Studi e testi ; 141).一般/禁退出:貸出可・予約不可請求番号:M-C:236:653
請求番号:M-C:236:605The commentaries on the minor Epistles of Paul / Theodore of Mopsuestia ; translated with an introduction by Rowan A. Greer. -- Society of Biblical Literature, c2010. -- xliv, 839 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Writings from the Greco-Roman world ; no. 26).
請求番号:M-C:236:608Commentario al Vangelo di Giovanni apostolo libri VII / Teodoro di Mopsuestia ; a cura di Luigi Fatica. -- Borla, c1991. -- 319 p. ; 20 cm. -- (Cultura cristiana antica. Testi).
請求番号:M-C:236:650De Theodori Mopsvesteni vita et scriptis : commentatio historica theologica / scripsit Otto Fridolin Fritzsche. -- Subptibus Librariae Orphanotrophei, 1836. -- x, 126 p. ; 21 cm.
請求番号:M-C:236:651Die Heilsverwirklichung bei Theodor von Mopsuestia / von Günter Koch. -- M. Hueber, 1965. -- xii, 241 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Münchener theologische Studien ; 2 . Systematische Abteilung ; 31. Bd.).
請求番号:M-C:236:652Theodore of Mopsuestia : Exegete and Theologian / Rowan A. Greer. -- Faith Press, 1961. -- 173 p. ; 23 cm.
請求番号:M-C:236:654Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Bible : a study of his Old Testament exegesis / by Dimitri Z. Zaharopoulos. -- Paulist Press, c1989. -- 223 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Theological inquiries).
請求番号:M-C:236:654.1I comentari a Giovanni di Teodoro di Mopsuestia e di Cirillo di Alessandria : confronto fra metodi esegetici e teologici / Luigi Faica. -- Institutum Patristicum "Augustinianum", 1988. -- 332 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Studia ephemeridis "Augustinianum" ; 29).
請求番号:M-C:236:654.3The minor prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria / Hauna T. Ondrey ; : hbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2018. -- 268 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford early Christian studies).
請求番号:M-C:236:655The theology of grace of Theodore of Mopsuestia / by Joanne McWilliam Dewart. -- Catholic University of America Press, 1971. -- xiii, 160 p. ; 23 cm. -- (The Catholic University of America studies in christian antiquity ; no. 16).
請求番号:M-C:236:656Die Exegese des Theodor von Mopsuestia / Rudolf Bultmann ; posthum herausgegeben von Helmut Feld und Karl Hermann Schelkle. -- W. Kohlhammer, c1984. -- 138 p. ; 24 cm.