Saint Ambroise / P. de Labriolle. -- Bloud, 1908. -- 321 p. ; 18 cm. -- (La pensée chrétienne : textes et études).
Ambroise de Milan / Hervé Savon. -- Desclée, c1997. -- 382 p. : maps ; 23 cm.
Ambrose's patriarchs : ethics for the common man / Marcia L. Colish ; : pbk. -- University of Notre Dame Press, c2005. -- viii, 193 p. ; 23 cm.
Ambrose of Milan and the end of the Nicene-Arian conflicts / Daniel H. Williams. -- Clarendon Press. -- xi, 258 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford early Christian studies).
The religious significance of the human body in the writings of Ambrose of Milan / by Donna M. Foley. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c1995. -- ix, 257 p. ; 26 cm.