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検索結果: 60693件 « 前へ 1 ... 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 ... 304 次へ »
ISBN 書名・著者名・出版社・出版年 一般/禁帯出 請求番号
3920289374 Kirchengeschichte Bayerns / Bauerreiss Romuald ; Bd. 1 - Bd. 5. -- EOS Verlag, 1949-. -- v. : ill. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:379.III
3920289382 Kirchengeschichte Bayerns / Bauerreiss Romuald ; Bd. 1 - Bd. 5. -- EOS Verlag, 1949-. -- v. : ill. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:379.IV
3920289390 Kirchengeschichte Bayerns / Bauerreiss Romuald ; Bd. 1 - Bd. 5. -- EOS Verlag, 1949-. -- v. : ill. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:379.V
3412139939 Das Christentum im bairischen Raum : von den Anfängen bis ins 11. Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von Egon Boshof und Hartmut Wolff. -- Böhlau, 1994. -- xi, 483 p., 28 p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. + maps. -- (Passauer historische Forschungen ; Bd. 8). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:380
Bayerns Kirche im Mittelalter : Handschriften und Urkunden : Ausstellung veranstaltet von den Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken in Verbindung mit den Staatlichen Archiven Bayerns, Juni-Oktober 1960. -- Hirmer, c1960. -- 63 p., 64, [8] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:381
Kirchengeschichte Schwabens : die Kirche Gottes im Lebensraum des schwäbisch-alamannischen Stammes / Hermann Tüchle ; Bd. 1, Bd. 2. -- Schwabenverlag, 1950-. -- v. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Peter+Paul Buecherei). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:388.I
Kirchengeschichte Schwabens : die Kirche Gottes im Lebensraum des schwäbisch-alamannischen Stammes / Hermann Tüchle ; Bd. 1, Bd. 2. -- Schwabenverlag, 1950-. -- v. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Peter+Paul Buecherei). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:388.II
Württembergische Kirchengeschichte bis zum Ende der Stauferzeit / von Karl Weller. -- Calwer Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1936. -- xi, 372 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Württembergische Kirchengeschichte ; Bd. 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:391
The pre-Conquest Church in England / Margaret Deanesly. -- 2nd ed. -- A. & C. Black, 1963. -- vii, 376 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Ecclesiastical history of England (London) ; v. 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:20
3920128419 Die Interpolationen im Chronicon Urspergense : quellenkundliche Studien zur Privilegiengeschichte der Reform-Orden in der Stauferzeit / Michael Oberweis. -- Arbeo-Gesellschaft, 1990. -- vii, 156 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung ; 40). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:392
Kirche in Österreich : Wegweiser durch ihre Geschichte / von Josef Wodka. -- Herder, c1959. -- xii, 495 p. : maps ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:395
3895984493 Fromme Friesen : mittelalterliche Kirchengeschichte Frieslands : Begleitband zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Schloßmuseum Jever vom 1. August bis 31. Oktober 1997 / herausgegeben von Antje Sander-Berke ; mit Beiträgen von Heinrich Schmidt ... [et al.]. -- Isensee, c1997. -- 123 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. -- (Kataloge und Schriften des Schloßmuseums ; Heft 17). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:420
Die altgermanische Religion in der amtlichen kirchlichen Literatur des Abendlandes vom 5. bis 11. Jahrhundert / von Wilhelm Boudriot. -- L. Röhrscheid, 1928. -- viii, 79 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Religionsgeschichte ; Heft 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:436
9780813213842 The church in the republic : Gallicanism & political ideology in Renaissance France / Jotham Parsons ; : cloth. -- Catholic University of America Press, c2004. -- xi, 322 p. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:720
Die kirchlichen Reformbemühungen des Speyerer Bischofs Matthias von Rammung in vortridentinischer Zeit, 1464-1478 / Franz Haffner. -- [s.n.], 1961. -- xv, 215 p. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:771
3495499334 Geschichtsverständnis, Zeitdidaxe und Reformgedanke an der Wende zum sechzehnten Jahrhundert : das oberrheinische "Buchli der hundert Capiteln" im Kontext des spätmittelalterlichen Reformbiblizismus / Klaus H. Lauterbach. -- K. Alber, c1985. -- 339 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Forschungen zur oberrheinischen Landesgeschichte ; Bd. 33). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:780
9783775203074 Der Oberrheinische Revolutionär : das Buchli der hundert Capiteln mit XXXX Statuten / herausgegeben von Klaus H. Lauterbach. -- Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2009. -- lxi, 854 p., [8] p. of plates : facsims. ; 27 cm. -- (Monumenta Germaniae historica . Staatsschriften des späteren Mittelalters ; Bd. 7). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:781
Nationalkirchliche Bestrebungen im deutschen Mittelalter / von Albert Werminghoff. -- P. Schippers, 1965. -- xviii, 180 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen ; 61. Heft). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:790
9780190279363 The empire at the end of time : identity and reform in late medieval German prophecy / Frances Courtney Kneupper ; : hardback. -- Oxford University Press, c2016. -- xii, 259 p. : map ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:795
Kirchengeschichte Österreichs / von Ernst Tomek. -- Tyrolia-Verlag, 1935. -- 389 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Altertum und Mittelalter ; 1. T.). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:801
3205981545 Frühes Christentum in Österreich und Südmitteleuropa : bis zur Reichsteilung 395 / Peter F. Barton. -- Böhlau, 1992. -- 360 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm. -- (Studien und Texte zur Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte ; 3. Reihe . Geschichte des Christentums in Österreich und Südmitteleuropa ; Bd. 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:803.I
3205981553 Von der Gotennot zum Slovenensturm : zwischen Alarich und Columbanus vom späten 4. bis zum frühen 7. Jahrhundert / Peter F. Barton. -- Böhlau, 1992. -- 400 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Studien und Texte zur Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte ; 3. Reihe . Geschichte des Christentums in Österreich und Südmitteleuropa ; Bd. 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:803.II
3205984447 Von Columbanus zu Karl dem Großen, 615-788 / Peter F. Barton. -- Böhlau, 1995. -- 224 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Studien und Texte zur Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte ; 3. Reihe . Geschichte des Christentums in Österreich und Südmitteleuropa ; Bd. 3, T. 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:803.III.1
3205987209 Im Karolingerreich 788-911 von den Avarenkriegen zum Ungarnsturm / Peter F. Barton. -- Böhlau, 1997. -- 400 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm. -- (Studien und Texte zur Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte ; 3. Reihe . Geschichte des Christentums in Österreich und Südmitteleuropa ; Bd. 3/2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:803.III.2
Frühes Christentum in Österreich : von den Anfängen bis um 600 nach Chr. / Rudolf Noll. -- F. Deuticke, 1954. -- vii, 148 p., [17] p. of plates (some folded) : ill., map ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:807
3412104043 Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Ungarn / von Gabriel Adriányi. -- Böhlau, 2004. -- xiv, 314 p. : some maps ; 24 cm. -- (Bonner Beiträge zur Kirchengeschichte ; Bd. 26). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:809
9780754663126 Communities of devotion : religious orders and society in East Central Europe, 1450-1800 / edited by Maria Crăciun and Elaine Fulton ; : hbk. -- Ashgate, c2011. -- xvi, 284 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:820
Die Rechtsverhältnisse der kathol. Kirche und der einzelnen Gotteshäuser im Mittelalter, von der karolingischen Zeit bis zur Glaubenstrennung, 800-1520. -- J. Schill, 1902. -- 679, 207 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Studien und Beiträge zur schweizerischen Kirchengeschichte / von Bernhard Fleischlin ; 2. Bd.). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:840
Das religiöse Leben in Erfurt beim Ausgange des Mittelalters : ein Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte der Reformation / von Th. Kolde. -- Verein für Reformationsgeschichte, 1898. -- 68 p. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:920
Die Abtei Werden als geistiges und geistliches Zentrum im Grenzraum von Rheinland und Westfalen / Heinz Finger. -- Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, 2003. -- 56 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Libelli Rhenani ; Series minor ; Heft 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:925
0860783596 La Pologne dans l'Eglise médiévale / Jerzy Kłoczowski. -- Variorum, c1993. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : maps, port. ; 23 cm. -- (Collected studies series ; CS417). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:951
3799571116 Der Peterspfennig in Polen und dem deutschen Osten / Erich Maschke. -- 2., erw. Aufl. -- Thorbecke, 1979. -- x, 376 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Schriften des Kopernikuskreises Freiburg im Breisgau ; Bd. 11). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:970
9780674026629 Faith on the margins : Catholics and Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age / Charles H. Parker. -- Harvard University Press, 2008. -- xiii, 331 p. : map ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:640:980
2728301816 L'Église et le peuple chrétien dans les pays de l'europe du centre-est et du nord (XIVe-XVe siècles) : actes du colloque organisé par l'Ecole française de Rome avec la participation, de l'Istituto polacco di cultura cristiana (Rome), et du Centre européen de recherches sur les congrégations et ordres religieux (CERCOR), Rome, 27-29 janvier 1986. -- École française de Rome, 1990. -- 338 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. -- (Collection de l'École française de Rome ; 128). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:643:2
030470735X The rise of Christianity in northern Europe, 300-1000 / Carole M. Cusack ; : pbk. -- Cassell, 1999, c1998. -- ix, 214 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Cassell religious studies). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:643:10
Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland / edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, by Arthur West Haddan and William Stubbs ; v. 1, v. 2, pt. 1, v. 3. -- Clarendon Press, 1964. -- 3 v. ; 24 cm. 禁帯出 M-H:644:1.I
Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland / edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, by Arthur West Haddan and William Stubbs ; v. 1, v. 2, pt. 1, v. 3. -- Clarendon Press, 1964. -- 3 v. ; 24 cm. 禁帯出 M-H:644:1.II
0838675719 The Christian island / Beram Saklatvala. -- Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970. -- xi, 150 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:21
Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland / edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, by Arthur West Haddan and William Stubbs ; v. 1, v. 2, pt. 1, v. 3. -- Clarendon Press, 1964. -- 3 v. ; 24 cm. 禁帯出 M-H:644:1.III
1843831694 The foundations of medieval English ecclesiastical history : studies presented to David Smith / edited by Philippa Hoskin, Christopher Brooke, Barrie Dobson. -- Boydell, 2005. -- xi, 235 p. : port. ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of medieval religion ; v. 27). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:2
9780300119084 Christians and pagans : the conversion of Britain from Alban to Bede / Malcolm Lambert. -- Yale University Press, c2010. -- xx, 329 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:2.10
9781782977827 Britain's medieval episcopal thrones : history, archaeology and conservation / Charles Tracy ; with a chapter by Andrew Budge and contributions by Hugh Harrison ... [et al.]. -- Oxbow Books, 2015. -- x, 186 p., [4] folded leaves of plates : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:2.25
0198223943 Councils & synods : with other documents relating to the English church / edited by D. Whitelock, M. Brett and C.N.L. Brooke ; 1, pt. 1. -- Clarendon Press, 1981. -- lxxix, 562 p. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:2.I
0197259863 Lincoln / edited by David M. Smith ; 1067-1185, 1186-1206. -- Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1980-. -- v. ; 26 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 1, 4). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.1
0197260500 Lincoln / edited by David M. Smith ; 1067-1185, 1186-1206. -- Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1980-. -- v. ; 26 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 1, 4). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.4
0197260705 York / edited by Janet E. Burton ; 1070-1154, 1154-1181. -- Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1988-. -- v. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 5, 20). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.5
0197260918 Norwich / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill ; 1070-1214, 1215-1243. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1990-2000. -- 2 v., 4 p. of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 6,21). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.6
0197261094 Hereford, 1079-1234 / edited by Julia Barrow. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1993. -- cxvii, 361 p. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 7). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.7
019726123X Winchester, 1070-1204 / edited by M.J. Franklin. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1993. -- lxxxiii, 257 p., [4] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 8). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.8
0197261302 Winchester, 1205-1238 / edited by Nicholas Vincent. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1994. -- lxxvi, 263 p., [4] p. of plates ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 9). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.9
0197261310 Bath and Wells 1061-1205 / edited by Frances M. R. Ramsey. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1995. -- xcix, 252 p., 4 p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 10). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.10
0197261442 Exeter / edited by Frank Barlow ; 1046-1184, 1186-1257. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1996. -- 2 v. (xcix, xxiv, 354 p., 8 p. of plates) : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 11-12). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.11
0197261450 Exeter / edited by Frank Barlow ; 1046-1184, 1186-1257. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1996. -- 2 v. (xcix, xxiv, 354 p., 8 p. of plates) : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 11-12). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.12
The monumental history of the early British church / by J. Romilly Allen. -- Llanerch, [19--]. -- xvi, 255 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:22
019726171X Worcester, 1218-1268 / edited by Philippa M. Hoskin. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1997. -- liv, 192 p., iv p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 13). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.13
0197261728 Coventry and Lichfield, 1072-1159 / edited by M. J. Franklin. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1997. -- lxvii, 154 p., iv p. of plates ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 14). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.14
0197261817 Coventry and Lichfield, 1160-1182 / edited by M.J. Franklin ; : hard. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1998. -- lv, 148 p., iv p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 16). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.16
0197261892 Coventry and Lichfield, 1183-1208 / edited by M. J. Franklin ; : hard.. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1998. -- lxxxi, 171p, 4p of plates ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 17). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.17
0197261981 Salisbury / edited by B.R. Kemp ; 1078-1217, 1217-1228. -- Published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1999-2000. -- 2 v. (cxxiii, xxvi, 490 p., 8 p. of plates) ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 18-19). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.18
019726199X Salisbury / edited by B.R. Kemp ; 1078-1217, 1217-1228. -- Published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1999-2000. -- 2 v. (cxxiii, xxvi, 490 p., 8 p. of plates) ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 18-19). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.19
0197262104 York / edited by Janet E. Burton ; 1070-1154, 1154-1181. -- Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1988-. -- v. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 5, 20). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.20
0197262120 Norwich / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill ; 1070-1214, 1215-1243. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c1990-2000. -- 2 v., 4 p. of plates : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 6,21). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.21
0197262317 Chichester / edited by Philippa M. Hoskin ; 1215-1253, 1254-1305. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c2001. -- 2 v. (lxxxi, 374 p.) ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 22, 23). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.22
0197262325 Chichester / edited by Philippa M. Hoskin ; 1215-1253, 1254-1305. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c2001. -- 2 v. (lxxxi, 374 p.) ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; 22, 23). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.23
0197262341 Durham / edited by M.G. Snape ; 1153-1195, 1196-1237, 1241-1283. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c2002-. -- v. : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 24-25, 29). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.24
019726235X Durham / edited by M.G. Snape ; 1153-1195, 1196-1237, 1241-1283. -- Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, c2002-. -- v. : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 24-25, 29). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.25
0197263011 Canterbury, 1070-1136 / edited by Martin Brett and Joseph A. Gribbin. -- Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, c2004. -- lxxxiv, 135 p., iv p. of plates : ill., facsims. ; 25 cm. -- (English Episcopal acta ; v. 28). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:3.28
9781843832836 Episcopal culture in late Anglo-Saxon England / Mary Frances Giandrea ; hbk. -- Boydell, 2007. -- xv, 245 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Anglo-Saxon studies ; 7). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:4
Church life in England in the thirteenth century / by John R.H. Moorman. -- Cambridge University Press, 1945. -- xxviii, 444 p., [9] p. of plates : ill., map ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:5
0582303036 The English church, 940-1154 / H.R. Loyn ; : csd, : ppr. -- Pearson Education, 2000. -- x, 174 p. ; 24 cm. -- (The medieval world / general editor, David Bates). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:24
0888440669 The church in late medieval Norwich 1370-1532 / by Norman P. Tanner ; pbk.. -- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, c1984. -- xviii, 279 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Studies and texts / Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies ; 66). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:5.1
9780300179972 The late medieval English church : vitality and vulnerability before the break with Rome / G.W. Bernard ; : hardback. -- Yale University Press, c2012. -- x, 304 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:6.1
0713619481 The later Middle Ages : from the Norman Conquest to the eve of the Reformation / J.C. Dickinson. -- A. and C. Black, 1979. -- viii, 487 p. ; 24 cm. -- (An ecclesiastical history of England ; v. [2]). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:6.2
0582289890 The pre-Reformation church in England 1400-1530 / Christopher Harper-Bill ; : ppr. -- Rev. ed. -- Longman, 1996. -- viii, 130 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Seminar studies in history). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:7
1843830159 Liber Eliensis : a history of the Isle of Ely, from the seventh century to the twelfth / compiled by a monk of Ely in the twelfth century ; translated from the Latin, with an introduction, notes, appendices and indices by Janet Fairweather. -- Boydell Press, 2005. -- xliv, 576 p. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:9.7
0334027691 Christianity in England from Roman times to the Reformation / Kenneth Hylson-Smith ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- SCM Press, 1999-. -- v. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:9.I
0334028086 Christianity in England from Roman times to the Reformation / Kenneth Hylson-Smith ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- SCM Press, 1999-. -- v. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:9.II
0334028485 Christianity in England from Roman times to the Reformation / Kenneth Hylson-Smith ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- SCM Press, 1999-. -- v. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:9.III
0271007699 The coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England / Henry Mayr-Harting. -- 3rd ed. -- Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. -- 334 p. : maps ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:15
0582772923 The conversion of Britain : religion, politics, and society in Britain c.600-800 / Barbara Yorke. -- Pearson Longman, 2006. -- xiii, 333 p., [2] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24 cm. -- (Religion, politics, and society in Britain). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:15.1
1901157253 Augustine of Canterbury / by Margaret Deanesly. -- Saint Austin Press, 1997. -- vii, 167 p. : 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:16
Saint Augustine of Canterbury / by Sir Henry H. Howorth. -- John Murray, 1913. -- xcix, 451 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:16.1
St Augustin de Canterbury et ses compagnons / par Le R.P. Brou. -- 3e éd. -- V. Lecoffre, 1898. -- xi, 210 p. ; 19 cm. -- ("Les Saints"). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:16.5
0750920874 St Augustine and the conversion of England / edited by Richard Gameson. -- Sutton, 1999. -- viii, 436 p. : ill., facsims., map ; 26 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:17
The mission of St. Augustine to England according to the original documents, being a handbook for the thirteenth century / edited by Arthur James Mason. -- Cambridge University Press, 1897. -- xix, 252 p., [3] leaves of plates (1 folded) : maps ; 20 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:17.6
0520043928 Christianity in Roman Britain to AD 500 / Charles Thomas. -- University of California Press, c1981. -- 408 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:18
9781409423713 Heaven and earth in Anglo-Saxon England : theology and society in an age of faith / Helen Foxhall Forbes ; : hbk. -- Ashgate, c2013. -- xvi, 394 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Studies in early medieval Britain / general editor, Nicholas Brooks). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:18.1
0404003486 English religious life in the eighth century as illustrated by contemporary letters / by Thomas Allison. -- AMS Press, 1971. -- xvi, 154 p. ; 19 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:19
9780754609025 Sustaining belief : the church of Worcester from c. 870 to c. 1100 / Francesca Tinti. -- Ashgate, c2010. -- xvii, 358 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in early medieval Britain). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:25
0333691458 Church and society in England, 1000-1500 / Andrew Brown ; : pbk. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. -- x, 253 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Social history in perspective). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:26
9781137307767 The king's bishops : the politics of patronage in England and Normandy, 1066-1216 / Everett U. Crosby. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. -- xviii, 519 p. ; 25 cm. -- (The new Middle Ages). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:26.1
1843831562 Pastoral care in late Anglo-Saxon England / edited by Francesca Tinti. -- Boydell Press, 2005. -- viii, 152 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Anglo-Saxon studies ; 6). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:27
9781903153291 Texts and traditions of medieval pastoral care : essays in honour of Bella Millett / edited by Cate Gunn and Catherine Innes-Parker ; : hbk. -- York Medieval Press, 2009. -- xx, 217 p. : port. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:27.1
9781032091150 Pastoral care in medieval England : interdisciplinary approaches / edited by Peter D. Clarke and Sarah James ; : pbk. -- Routledge, 2021. -- viii, 223 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:27.2
The Church in Anglo-Saxon England / John Godfrey. -- Cambridge University Press, 1962. -- xii, 529 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:28
1843831945 The place of the cross in Anglo-Saxon England / edited by Catherine E. Karkov, Sarah Larratt Keefer and Karen Louise Jolly. -- Boydell Press, 2006. -- xx, 171 p. : ill., facsim., map ; 25 cm. -- (Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon studies ; v. 4). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:29
Anglo-Saxon influence on Western Christendom, 600-800 / by S.J. Crawford. -- Oxford University Press, 1933. -- 109 p. ; 19 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:30
9781843837008 Leaders of the Anglo-Saxon Church : from Bede to Stigand / edited by Alexander R. Rumble. -- Boydell Press, 2012. -- xii, 204 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. -- (Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon studies ; v. 12). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:31
The English Church and the Continent / lectures by R.R. Darlington ... [et al.] ; [edited by C.R. Dodwell]. -- Faith Press, 1959. -- 126 p. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:38
0718500415 The early history of the Church of Canterbury : Christ Church from 597 to 1066 / Nicholas Brooks ; : pbk. -- Leicester University Press, 1996. -- xiv, 402 p. : ill. : maps ; 24 cm. -- (Studies in the early history of Britain). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:41
1870545044 St Gregory's priory, Northgate, Canterbury : excavations 1988-1991 / Martin Hicks & Alison Hicks with contributions by Enid Allison ... [et al.]. -- Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2001. -- xxvi, 431 p. : ill. (some col.), maps, ports. ; 28 cm. -- (The archaeology of Canterbury ; new ser., v. 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:42
250352320X Lumen ad revelationem gentium : iconographie et liturgie à Christ Church, Canterbury, 1175-1220 / Marie-Pierre Gelin. -- Brepols, c2006. -- 348 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. -- (Culture et société médiévales ; 12). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:43
9780866984324 The study of medieval manuscripts of England : festschrift in honor of Richard W. Pfaff / edited by George Hardin Brown and Linda Ehrsam Voigts. -- ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies) in collaboration with BREPOLS, 2010. -- ix, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies ; v. 384)(Arizona studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance ; v. 35). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:45
0268009031 Ecclesiastical administration in medieval England : the Anglo-Saxons to the Reformation / Robert E. Rodes, Jr. -- University of Notre Dame Press, c1977. -- xvi, 287 p. ; 24 cm. -- (This house I have built). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:60
0707307325 The medieval church in Scotland / Ian B. Cowan ; edited by James Kirk. -- Scottish Academic Press, 1995. -- xv, 254 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:70
056708731X Medieval church councils in Scotland / D.E.R. Watt. -- T&T Clark, 2000. -- xvii, 185 p. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:71
0713481749 Pilgrimage in medieval Scotland / Peter Yeoman ; : limp. -- B.T. Batsford, 1999. -- 128 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 25 cm. -- (Historic Scotland). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:72
185285183X Churches and churchmen in medieval Europe / Christopher N.L. Brooke. -- Hambledon, 1999. -- xviii, 329 p. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:92
9780728301702 A ture easter : the synod of whitby 664 AD / Benedicta Ward. -- SLG Press, c2007. -- 22 p. ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:109
0520060989 Two churches : England and Italy in the thirteenth century / Robert Brentano, with an additional essay by the author ; : pbk. -- University of California Press, c1988. -- xx, 400 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:116
The parish gilds of mediaeval England / by H.F. Westlake. -- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. -- viii, 242 p. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:181
9782503532486 The regular canons in the medieval British Isles / edited by Janet Burton and Karen Stöber. -- Brepols, c2011. -- xvii, 514 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. -- (Medieval church studies ; v. 19). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:228
0820304883 English mediaeval monasteries, 1066-1540 : a summary / Roy Midmer. -- University of Georgia Press, c1979. -- viii, 385 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:230
0852444346 The foundations of Christian England : Augustine of Canterbury & his impact / Anthony Marett-Crosby. -- Ampleforth Abbey Press, c1997. -- 51 p. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:233
The English clergy and their organization in the later middle ages / by A. Hamilton Thompson. -- Clarendon Press, 1947. -- xv, 327 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Ford lectures ; 1933). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:243
0521445078 Bishop and chapter in twelfth-century England : a study of the mensa episcopalis / Everett U. Crosby. -- Cambridge University Press, 1994. -- xiv, 450 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought ; 4th ser., 23). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:245
0851152961 Religious belief and ecclesiastical careers in late medieval England : proceedings of the conference held at Strawberry Hill, Easter 1989 / edited by Christopher Harper-Bill. -- Boydell Press, 1991. -- xvii, 238 p. : 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of medieval religion ; v. 3). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:248
9780521881203 Indulgences in late medieval England : passports to paradise? / R.N. Swanson. -- Cambridge University Press, 2007. -- xiv, 579 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:249
A History of the Church of Durham / translated from the original Latin by Joseph Stevenson. -- Llanerch, 1993. -- p. 622-791 ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:262
4771002452 修道院の物資調達と市場 : ダラム司教座聖堂付属修道院の場合 / 森本矗著. -- 晃洋書房, 1983.3. -- 460p ; 22cm. -- (名古屋学院大学産業科学研究所研究叢書 ; 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:262.3
中世末期の教会領研究 : ダラム司教座聖堂付属修道院領について / 森本矗著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1977.10. -- 461p ; 22cm. -- (名古屋学院大学産業科学研究所研究叢書 ; 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:262.4
0198202075 Libellus de exordio atque procursu istius, hoc est Dunhelmensis, ecclesie = Tract on the origins and progress of this the Church of Durham / Symeon of Durham ; edited and translated by David Rollason. -- Clarendon Press, 2000. -- xcv, 353 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:263
0907239625 Twelfth-century English archidiaconal and vice-archidiaconal acta / edited by B.R. Kemp. -- Boydell Press, 2001. -- lv, 263 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Canterbury and York Society ; v. 92). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:269
Hugh the chantor : the history of the church of York, 1066-1127 / translated from the Latin and with introduction by Charles Johnson. -- T. Nelson, 1961. -- xvii, 138 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Medieval texts). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:280
0198222351 The letters of Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury / edited and translated by Helen Clover and Margaret Gibson. -- Clarendon Press. -- xvi, 204 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 禁帯出 M-H:644:320
0888440766 Archbishop John Stratford : political revolutionary and champion of the liberties of the English Church ca. 1275/80-1348 / by Roy Martin Haines ; : pbk. -- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. -- xviii, 587 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Studies and texts / Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies ; 76). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:351
William Courtenay : Archbishop of Canterbury, 1381-1396 / by Joseph Dahmus. -- Pennsylvania State University Press, 1966. -- 341 p. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:361
0748605274 Scottish monasteries in the late Middle Ages / Mark Dilworth. -- Edinburgh University Press, c1995. -- viii, 102 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:480
0198222432 The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- Clarendon Press, 1972-1980. -- 6 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 禁帯出 M-H:644:526.1
0198202202 The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 2. -- Clarendon Press, 1990. -- xliii, 409 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:526.2
019822219X The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- Clarendon Press, 1972-1980. -- 6 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:526.3
0198222289 The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- Clarendon Press, 1972-1980. -- 6 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 禁帯出 M-H:644:526.4
0198222327 The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- Clarendon Press, 1972-1980. -- 6 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 禁帯出 M-H:644:526.5
0198222424 The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis / edited by Marjorie Chibnall ; v. 1 - v. 6. -- Clarendon Press, 1972-1980. -- 6 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 禁帯出 M-H:644:526.6
2849090328 Histoire de Normandie / Orderic Vital ; traduit du latin par François Guizot ; t. 1 - t. 5. -- Paleo, c2003-c2004. -- 5 v. ; 21 cm. -- (Sources de l'histoire de France). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.6.I
2849090506 Histoire de Normandie / Orderic Vital ; traduit du latin par François Guizot ; t. 1 - t. 5. -- Paleo, c2003-c2004. -- 5 v. ; 21 cm. -- (Sources de l'histoire de France). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.6.II
2849090549 Histoire de Normandie / Orderic Vital ; traduit du latin par François Guizot ; t. 1 - t. 5. -- Paleo, c2003-c2004. -- 5 v. ; 21 cm. -- (Sources de l'histoire de France). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.6.III
2849090670 Histoire de Normandie / Orderic Vital ; traduit du latin par François Guizot ; t. 1 - t. 5. -- Paleo, c2003-c2004. -- 5 v. ; 21 cm. -- (Sources de l'histoire de France). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.6.IV
2849090689 Histoire de Normandie / Orderic Vital ; traduit du latin par François Guizot ; t. 1 - t. 5. -- Paleo, c2003-c2004. -- 5 v. ; 21 cm. -- (Sources de l'histoire de France). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.6.V
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy / by Ordericus Vitalis ; translated, with notes, and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- AMS Press, 1968. -- 4 v. ; 22 cm. -- (Bohn's antiquarian library). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.I
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy / by Ordericus Vitalis ; translated, with notes, and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- AMS Press, 1968. -- 4 v. ; 22 cm. -- (Bohn's antiquarian library). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.II
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy / by Ordericus Vitalis ; translated, with notes, and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- AMS Press, 1968. -- 4 v. ; 22 cm. -- (Bohn's antiquarian library). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.III
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy / by Ordericus Vitalis ; translated, with notes, and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester ; v. 1 - v. 4. -- AMS Press, 1968. -- 4 v. ; 22 cm. -- (Bohn's antiquarian library). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:527.IV
Ordericus Vitalis : ein Beitrag zur kluniazensischen Geschichtsschreibung / von Hans Wolter. -- F. Steiner, 1955. -- viii, 252 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz ; Bd. 7). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:528
0198219377 The world of Orderic Vitalis / Marjorie Chibnall. -- Clarendon Press. -- viii, 255 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:529
De orderico vitali / J. Tessier. -- E. Thorin, 1872. -- 68 p. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:530
The monastic historiography of Ordericus Vitalis / by Roger Dale Ray. -- University Microfilms International, c1968. -- ix, 328 p. ; 28 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:531
From conquest to Christendom : Orderic Vitalis's historicized geography and the making of the eleventh-and twelfth-century world / by Amanda Jane Hingst. -- UMI Dissertation Services, c2005. -- 2, ix, 421 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:532
9780268030865 The written world : past and place in the work of Orderic Vitalis / Amanda Jane Hingst ; : pbk. -- University of Notre Dame Press, c2009. -- xxiii, 272 p. : ill., map ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:533
9781580441070 John Stone's Chronicle : Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 1417-1472 / selected, translated, and introduced by Meriel Connor. -- Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, c2010. -- viii, 165 p. : ill., facsim., geneal. tables, plans ; 22 cm. -- (Documents of practice series / general editor, Joel T.Rosenthal). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:538
0859916669 The medieval records of a London city church (St. Mary at Hill) A.D. 1420-1559 / transcribed and edited with facsimiles and an introduction by Henry Littlehales ; pts. 1 & 2. -- Distributed for the Early English Text Society by Boydell & Brewer, 2002. -- 2 v. in 1 : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; 125, 128). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:540
0859916685 The English register of Godstow Nunnery, near Oxford, written about 1450 / edited with an introduction, by Andrew Clark ; pt. 1. -- Distributed for the Early English Text Society by Boydell & Brewer, 2002. -- xi, 384 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; no. 129). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:543.I
9782503534022 After Arundel : religious writing in fifteenth-century England / edited by Vincent Gillespie and Kantik Ghosh. -- Brepols, c2011. -- xix, 657 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- (Medieval church studies ; v. 21). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:550
Der Suprematstreit zwischen den Erzdiözesen Canterbury und York, 1070-1126 : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der englischen Kirche im Zeitalter des Gregorianismus / von Margarete Dueball. -- E. Ebering, 1929. -- 109 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Historische Studien ; Heft 184). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:583
Heinrich von Blois, Bischof von Winchester (1129-71) / von Lena Voss. -- E. Ebering, 1932. -- xvi, 179 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Historische Studien ; Heft 210). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:640
3550075812 Maria von Guadalupe : wie das Erscheinen der Jungfrau Weltgeschichte schrieb / Paul Badde. -- Ullstein, 2004. -- 255 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:648:50
The Yorkshire nunneries in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / by Janet E. Burton. -- University of York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, 1979. -- 54 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Borthwick papers ; no. 56). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:680
The place of Wearmouth and Jarrow in Western cultural history / by J.D.A. Ogilvy. -- H. Saxby, [1968?]. -- 10 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Jarrow lecture ; 1968). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:683
The Gild of St. Mary Lichfield : being Ordinances of the Gild of St. Mary, and other documents / edited by F.J. Furnivall. -- Kraus Reprint, 1975. -- 82 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Extra series ; 114). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:719
The book of the foundation of St. Bartholomew's Church in London, the church belonging to the priory of the same in West Smithfield / edited from the original manuscript in the British Museum, Cotton Vespasian B ix, by Sir Norman Moore. -- Early English Text Society. -- xii, 72 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; [Original series, no. 163]). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:746
Instructions for parish priests / by John Myrc ; edited by Edward Peacock. -- 2nd rev. ed. -- Kraus Reprint, 1981. -- xiv, 105 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; 31). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:750
0851155162 The Early charters of the Augustinian canons of Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1062-1230 / edited by Rosalind Ransford. -- Boydell Press, c1989. -- lxxxvii, 521 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in the history of medieval religion ; v. 2). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:756
0198221649 The Waltham chronicle : an account of the discovery of our holy cross at Montacute and its conveyance to Waltham / edited and translated by Leslie Watkiss and Marjorie Chibnall. -- Clarendon Press, 1994. -- liii, 99 p. : facsims. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford medieval texts). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:757
The estates of Ramsey Abbey : a study in economic growth and organization / J. Ambrose Raftis ; with a preface by M.M. Postan. -- Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1957. -- xvii, 341 p., [2] folded leaves of plates : maps ; 26 cm. -- (Studies and texts / Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies ; 3). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:761
0888443560 The Liber Gersumarum of Ramsey Abbey : a calendar and index of B.L. Harley MS 445 / by Edwin Brezette Dewindt. -- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1976. -- 455 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Subsidia mediaevalia ; 7). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:762
0521077788 The abbey & bishopric of Ely : the social history of an ecclesiastical estate from the tenth century to the early fourteenth century / by E. Miller. -- Cambridge University Press, 1951. -- xii, 313 p. : maps. ; 23 cm. -- (Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought . New ser ; v. 1). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:766
Lincoln diocese documents, 1450-1544 / edited, with notes and indexes, by Andrew Clark. -- Kraus Reprint, 1971. -- vi, 382 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; no. 149). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:780
Child-marriages, divorces, and ratifications, &c. in the diocese of Chester, A.D. 1561-6 / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. -- Kraus Reprint, 1978. -- lxxxviii, 256 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Early English Text Society. Original series ; 108). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:788
087907891X Fountains Abbey and its benefactors, 1132-1300 / by Joan Wardrop. -- Cistercian Publications, 1987. -- ix, 314 p. : map ; 23 cm. -- (Cistercian studies series ; no. 91). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:793
Geschichte der irischen Kirche von ihren Anfängen bis zum 12. Jahrhundert / von Walter Delius. -- E. Reinhardt, 1954. -- 176 p. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:801
Rita da Cascia : perla preziosa dell'Umbria / Vittorio Peri ; fotografie di Franco Marzi e Carla Morselli. -- Velar, c1992. -- 174 p. : chiefly ill. ; 31 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:650:182
0631161147 The churches, Ireland and the Irish : papers read at the 1987 Summer Meeting and the 1988 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society / edited by W.J. Sheils and Diana Wood. -- Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by B. Blackwell, 1989. -- xiv, 418 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Studies in church history ; 25). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:801.5
0713430907 The monasteries of Ireland : an introduction / Daphne D.C. Pochin Mould. -- B.T. Batsford, 1976. -- 188 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:802
0716524163 Medieval religious houses : Ireland : with an appendix to early sites / by Aubrey Gwynn and R. Neville Hadcock ; with a foreword by David Knowles. -- Irish Academic Press, 1970, c1988. -- xii, 479 p. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:802.2
0879078561 The occupation of Celtic sites in medieval Ireland by the Canons Regular of St. Augustine and the Cistercians / by Geraldine Carville. -- Cistercian Publications, 1982. -- ix, 158 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. -- (Cistercian studies series ; no. 56). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:802.6
0521363950 Early Christian Ireland / T.M. Charles-Edwards. -- Cambridge University Press, 2000. -- xix, 707 p. : geneal. tables, maps ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804
0801491355 Early Christian Ireland : introduction to the sources / by Kathleen Hughes. -- Cornell University Press, c1972. -- 320 p. ; 22 cm. -- (The sources of history : studies in the uses of historical evidence)(Cornell paperbacks). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.1
Early Christian Ireland / Máire and Liam de Paor. -- F.A. Praeger, 1958. -- 263 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. -- (Ancient peoples and places ; 8). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.2
0094744904 Early Celtic Christianity / Brendan Lehane. -- Paperback ed. -- Constable, 1995. -- 240 p. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.3
3880691797 Keltentum : Untergang und Auferstehung : die altirischen Kirche / A.C.J. Loos. -- J. Ch. Mellinger, [197-]. -- 175 p., [12] p. of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.4
0226560953 The Celtic churches : a history A.D. 200 to 1200 / John T. McNeill. -- University of Chicago Press, 1974. -- xiii, 289 p. ; 24 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.6
1856070204 A history of the Irish church : 400-700 AD / John R. Walsh, Thomas Bradley. -- second, revised edition. -- Columba Press, 1993. -- viii, 160 p. : ill., facsims, maps ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:804.7
0752428497 Christian Celts : messages & images / Charles Thomas ; : pbk. -- Tempus, 2003. -- 223 p. : ill, maps ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:806
0748610472 Celtic Christianity : making myths and chasing dreams / Ian Bradley ; : pbk. -- Edinburgh University Press, c1999. -- x, 246 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:806.1
1570751765 Celtic Christianity : a sacred tradition, a vision of hope / Timothy J. Joyce. -- Orbis Books, c1998. -- xi, 180 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:806.2
0863155146 Celtic Christianity : ecology and holiness / an anthology by William Parker Marsh and Christopher Bamford. -- 2nd ed. -- Floris Books, 1986. -- 143 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Floris classics). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:806.3
0863150101 Sun and cross : the development from megalithic culture to early Christianity in Ireland / Jakob Streit ; [translated by Hugh Latham]. -- Floris Books, c1984. -- 223 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:807
1563383853 Irish Jesus, Roman Jesus : the formation of early Irish Christianity / Graydon F. Snyder ; : pbk. -- Trinity Press International, c2002. -- vii, 280 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:810
0416743900 The church in early Irish society / Kathleen Hughes. -- Methuen, 1980, c1966. -- xii, 299 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:815
3534800133 Geschichte des christlichen Mönchtums : Grundzüge / Karl Suso Frank. -- Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, c1988. -- x, 208 p. ; 19 cm. -- (WB-Forum ; 4). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:651:7.2
9782503534701 Music, liturgy, and the veneration of saints of the medieval Irish church in a European context / edited by Ann Buckley ; : [hardback]. -- Brepols, c2017. -- xxxiv, 358 p. : ill. (some col.), map, music ; 25 cm. -- (Ritus et artes ; v. 8). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:825
9780567032058 Sacred time in early Christian Ireland : the monks of the Nauigatio and the Céli Dé in dialogue to explore the theologies of time and the liturgy of the hours in pre-Viking Ireland / Patricia M. Rumsey ; : hbk. -- T & T Clark, c2007. -- xi, 258 p. ; 24 cm. -- (T & T Clark theology). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:826
9782503533162 'Holy, holier, holiest' : the sacred topography of the early medieval Irish church / David H. Jenkins. -- Brepols, c2010. -- xvi, 213 p. ; 24 cm. -- (Studia traditionis theologiae ; 4). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:827
1851821171 The Irish church in the eleventh and twelfth centuries / Aubrey Gwynn ; edited by Gerard O'Brien ; : pbk. -- Four Courts Press, c1992. -- xiv, 383 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Celtic studies). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:835
9781843835974 The transformation of the Irish church in the twelfth century / Marie Therese Flanagan ; : hbk. -- Boydell Press, 2010. -- xii, 295 p. ; 25 cm. -- (Studies in Celtic history ; 29). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:836
3825834425 Clonmacnois - the church and lands of St. Ciarán : change and continuity in an Irish monastic foundation (6th to 16th century) / Annette Kehnel. -- Lit, [1997]. -- x, 347 p. : maps ; 24 cm. -- (Vita regularis ; Bd. 8). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:860
1851821139 Christianity in Celtic lands : a history of the churches of the Celts, their origin, their development, influence, and mutual relations / by Louis Gougaud ; translated from the author's MS by Maud Joynt ; with an introduction (1992) by Jean-Michel Picard ; : pbk. -- Four Courts Press, c1992. -- 458 p. : maps ; 24 cm. -- (Celtic studies). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:930
0860782069 Church and society in Ireland, A.D. 400-1200 / Kathleen Hughes ; edited by David Dumville. -- Variorum Reprints, 1987. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Collected studies series ; CS258)(Variorum reprint ; CS258). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:932
The Reformation in England / by Maurice Powicke. -- Oxford University Press, 1961. -- 153 p.; 20 cm. -- (Oxford paperbacks ; no. 24). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:956
9781848935488 Calvinism, reform and the absolutist state in Elizabethan Ireland / by Mark A. Hutchinson. -- Pickering & Chatto, 2015. -- xiii, 219 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Religious cultures in the early modern world / series editors, Fernando Cervantes, Peter Marshall, Philip Soergel). 貸出可・予約不可 M-H:644:959
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